Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween A Year Ago

Yes, I know I have slacked big time in sharing JAG photos. Got some to share, along with a recap of the DR trip I'm still not sure how to go about sharing. May just enter stuff I journaled. Any who, I will be back with more photos.

For now, the boys 2nd halloween is right around the corner! Last year they were an angel and devil. This year I had so many ideas. Holly did too, but none of our were remotely similar. Holly's involved cutsie plush animal/flower stuff...blah blah blah. My ideas were very very cool. Stuff along the lines of ninjas, Matrix characters, lucha libre (Mexican wrestlers). Pretty much all my ideas, just couldn't see the boys wanting to wear masks, make-up on their face or any other kind of head gear. We settled for some store bought costumes.

If you follow me on twitter or are friends with Holly or I on facebook, then you've already seen the boys in their costumes yesterday. If not, then you will just have to wait until we get pictures of them in the costumes on Sunday when we go trick or treating. Can't wait to fill up my 2 bags, err, the boys bags, with tons of candy!

This weekend is going to be jam packed. We are putting together a shed in the backyard. Mike and Mike came over last weekend and helped us lay the foundation for it. Its a small, stylish 7x7 shed so we can store some of Poppi and Poppas things when they move in. Oh yeah, didn't we tell ya? The grandparents are moving in the first weekend of November! My main goal while they're is to convert them to Raider fans. We'll probably be working on the shed and cleaning today and tomorrow. Tomorrow I got a "gig" with the band at a halloween party in Leander. Should be fun...first paying gig! Then Sunday we go get our church on, go to my Old Testament class, then FOOTBALL!! Raiders should get 2 in a row on Sunday and then we go out in the hood to meet neighbors and tricks or treats.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally posted again! Sorry Holly, I kinda like the lucha libre costume idea. Miss you guys!
