Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Time is Gone :(

But oh what fun!! This might be a long post, but I will try to keep it short. No promises. So Christmas Eve Holly's family came over: The Coons from Dripping Springs and the Mills from Round Rock. It was nice having family together and just relaxing. We had a Dirty Santa gift exchange. I think Kat came out on top with the Catfish pillow! Charlie also scored a game, but she doesn't know what it is yet...we ordered a gift that is still a mystery to everyone, but it did not get here on time. The Coons ended the night with one of their own Christmas traditions giving each other pajamas as gifts and then heading out to cruise the hoods and scope out the Christmas glory of glowing blinking lights and fake Texas snowmen.

We finally got to bed so we could hurry up and wake up for Christmas morning! The dogs lead the way downstairs and then the wrapping paper demolition began. Don't want to go into too much detail, so I will just try and touch on the highlights. Coming in at #1...

Holly surprised me with a Raiders football and baseball cap signed by #66 Cooper Carlisle!! Holy schmokes I could not believe it. I really couldn't. It finally sunk in that she somehow got her friend (who is Coop's cousin) to get us some signed stuff. I later got the full scoop. Her friend's parents (Mr. Duke Carlisle who QB'd for UT and Mrs. Carlisle ) went to visit Coop and Holly had the chance to give them some stuff so they could bother Coop for us with a signature. Well...Holly totally flaked and didn't give them anything!! WHAT!? I know, I know...I couldn't believe it either. Regardless, the Carlisle family had Cooper sign a Raiders cap to Holly, one to me and a football to the both of us. FREAKIN AWESOME! Thanks Coop! Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Carlisle!! Best Christmas gift ever! I didn't know it, but they had brought these back to us way back in November and they had been sitting underneath the Raider Tree this whole time!

Gotta get back on track and 'splain the other gifts. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in little-less than half an hour. Err, I mean, I also got a #2 Russell jersey, Holly got drawing pencils, Raider backpack/purse, a John 3:16 sweater and an iPod arm band for jogging. Oh oh...and I also got Havoc Heli Laser Battle set!! T-Bone and Jezebel got Raider dog tags and 3-foot chew bones. Jeze had no problem unwrapping her gift or anyone else's.

For Christmas lunch, we went with Mike (Holly's bro) to Wok-a-holic, but it was closed. Pretty much everything we wanted was we ate at Jack-in-the-Box. tacos! Then we saw AVP:Requiem. I liked it, but I didn't have high expectations for it. Mike on the otherhand had been waiting a long time for the R rated version of AVP...and he was sorely disappointed. We ended the day with Mike and I playing Halo 3 while Holly played Big Brain Academy!

And today...Holly and I have pretty much spent the day in a aerial laser battle. When we weren't battling it out in the air, we battled it out in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games! Tons of fun and was quite the workout. Pretty addicting stuff man.

That pretty much wraps up our Christmas fun. Hope y'all had a good one too. We'll back later to show you the work Holly did to make her cat Tiger II a cat tower thing. Peace out!

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