Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Just a few of my favorite things...
  1. More pics! Check out the PHOTO ALBUM LINK for more pics...I believe the new ones start around #130. There are photos of our doc from Friday's visit. She is posing with both the boys.

  2. Friends and Family! Had more visits from friends and family. Aubrey and Angele (some our teens from our old youth group) came by and hung out Friday afternoon. Marcos and Lori came by later that evening and brought a Papa John's gift card! Heather and Drew came by today (well, not Drew, stayed home sick) and brought some homemade dinner: salad with strawberries, cheesy chicken stuffed croissants and brownie bites. Anita came by a little early to check out the boys and hang out on Saturday before our jam. Cindy (Holly's sister) comes by again and again brings food and goodies...and much needed newborn sized diapers. Never knew it'd be so hard to shop for N sized diapers. Didn't find any at all at Costco this morning. Stopped at HEB and there was only 1 bag of the HEB brand diapers. Then Cindy shows up later with more bags of diapers...awesome!

  3. Raiders! This still falls under friends and family but needed its own section. We got a gift from the Carlisles last week for the boys which was unexpected and much appreciated. Then today, I check the mail and theres a USPS Priority name, Cali address. Open it up and was just struck with joy...a personally autographed Raiders photo from #66 Cooper Carlisle to the boys!! OMG OMG OMG!

  4. THE BOYS!! This should have been #1 -- but I was saving the best for last. In the pics we uploaded today have our visitors with the boys and also, Jeremy's umbilical cord! His shrivaled up cord finally fell off. One less thing to worry about when changing diapers...woohoo! Oh, and we've set up a baby web cam...won't be online all the time, but if you want the link and password to view, just e-mail me and I will send you the info.

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