Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm sorry Mr.DeadlyVenomousDiamondbackRattler guy

Pest control was at our place yesterday morning. When the pest dude was done he brought me over yonder, yonder the side gate...coiled up nice and tight, hidden in the grass in the corner between our A/C unit and the side gate by our house, was a diamondback rattlesnake. Never seen one of these dudes up close and personal. It was pretty cool. Unfortunately I couldn't just leave the side gate open and usher the little pit viper out. So...armed with a big rock and a shovel, I had to secure the homeland and rid it of the slithering sacks of venom.

The pictures are tough to make out. It was probably somewhere between 2-3 feet long, it was tiny. It seems a lot smaller in the pic...but trust me, it was 2 yards long if it was a foot. Once it was dead (I didn't have to use the rock because the lil guy was already set for a long day's slumber) I was able to get a better look. Didn't take pics cause I didn't really enjoy taking a shovel to it (it is one of God's coolest creatures...not like it was a mosquito or fly or a cat), but it had 5 rattles on it...which still rattled some when the nerves kept firing. Same thing for it's jet black forked tongue which kept trying to reach out to me from beyond the grave to exact its revenge on my weak and easily digestible flesh.

Knarf 1, Pit Viper 0...I'm sorry snake.

Glad the doggies didn't find it before we did. The serious lack of rain and 46 days of 100+ degree weather has these belly walkers moving out in search of water. Check out this 7 footer/11 rattle d-back that was killed in a neighborhood not too far from us.


  1. Scary, but glad it turned out as it did instead of y'all finding out some other way!!!

  2. Holy nalgas!! Lucky the one you found wasn't as big as that 5 footer!
