Friday, July 31, 2009

6 Month Update and Stuff

The boys are 6 months old! Going in reverse order on the July going-ons. On Thursday we took Jordan to the nose/throat/ear doc (forget what they're called) to get his throat looked at. When he coughs, sounds like a goose...kind of a croup type cough. Hes not sick and doesn't seem bad...just playing it safe. Doc said it didn't seem like anything, but he can't see past the vocal chords. In order to do so would mean putting Jordan under and sticking a little camera down his throat. Don't think its anything to worry about and feel like putting him under isn't worth the risk. Jordan next goes to the doc on Monday to get his eyes (tear ducts) looked at. Poor guys hasn't gotten over his blocked tear ducts. They been pretty goopie since we left the hospital.

Sorry...this looks like its going to be another long post. On Monday we took the boys to their 6 month check up. Jordan weighed in at 16 lbs 3 oz and Jeremy tipped the scale at 19 lbs 2 oz! After a quick look over it was time for their shots. This time the boys got their shots at the exact same time. So no one had to go 2nd and listen to his brother's cries and realize something wasn't kosher and he should probably bail. Like before the shots were a shock at first and after a quick cry it was all over. Best of all, boys did NOT get sick after going to the doc...first time in their life!! They did get a fever and felt pretty cruddy from the shots for a day, but they did great. last entry...last weekend we had the Mills/Chisums over for a cookout. Grilled some chicken and ribs. I botched the chicken and pulled it off the grill too soon. I was worried about burning it because last time the grill was dirty and there was an extra grease fire going that cooked the chicken too fast. This time was worried about them burning and they weren't cooked to perfection. The ribs were delici-oh-so! Highlight though was just hanging out...Holly and Cin played with the boys in the pool and everyone else got into throwing themselves down the Slip n Slide. *Note to self, do not attempt sliding down the ramp on your knees again.

So here is a photo album for the month of July that has random pics of the boys and the cookout last week: PHOTO ALBUM

Make sure you check out the series of pics at #62! Jordan discovers himself in the mirror in the new exersaucer Jessica lent us. Holly got great shots of him admiring himself.

Oh I more thing. Last month the boys started eating solid foods. So much fun. Jeremy loves it. Jordan REALLY loves avocado and bananas, but not much of anything else. He does like the kids cereal (kinda looks like the grain pieces in lucky charms) and Kix cereal. Jeremy pretty much likes it all and opens his mouth wide for food. Here is an album of the boys eating: PHOTO ALBUM

And finally, we leave you with a video of their very first time eating solids and some other shots. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!!! The boys are catching up to Larissa in weight...Larissa is 22 lbs at 12 mo...they boys are only 6 months!! LOL! We have that same Baby Einstein would come in handy for whenever you all come up to visit (hint, hint) and a walker and a travel bassinet! Love you guys!
