Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gobble Gobble

Wait so long for Thanksgiving and time with family and then poof...its all gone except for some stale honey wheat rolls and a couple last shreds of white meat and ham. Our house was jam packed with Garcias this holiday, it was awesome. The kids out numbered the adults, so it was a bit scary. Luckily enough they never joined forces to overthrow the powers that be. Isaiah arrived last Wednesday night followed by my Pop and the whole family about 1:30am Thursday morning. Finally Mari and the girls all got here Thanksgiving day. We played football out front, then watched the Raiders give away another game, but we were too high on tryptophan to really care much about it. Turkey, ham, mashed-taters, green bean casserole, stuffing, fruit salad and honey wheat rolls...YUM!

Friday we just veg'd and recovered from eating on Thursday. Went to the store and Zaiah bought ingridients for menudo and then he and Dad cooked it for dinner. It...was...TASTY! Saturday it was off to Town Lake and the park to hang out and fly some kites. It was a beautiful day...there were parrots hanging out at the park. We saw one, figured it just escaped from someone's home. Then we saw another. Then another. Three green parrots just chillin' in the park. After the park it was off to Chuy's for dinner and then downtown to Amy's for ice cream.

While Larissa was here, Mari was hoping she might catch on to crawling and getting around like the boys, but instead, Larissa taught Jeremy how to lazily boot scoot across the floor. Basically, she stays in a sitting position and scoots her butt forward (much like a dog does on carpet) then stretches out her legs and does it again to move forward. Good times...good times...

Thanksgiving Photo Album

Meanwhile, Thanksgiving marked another milestone for the JAG Twins...it was their 10 month mark! Back at the beginning of November the boys went for their 9 month check up. Jeremy measured in at 21 lbs 4 oz - 30" - and a head circumference of 48 cm. Jordan measured in at 19 lbs 6 oz - 29" - and a head circumference of 46 ½ cm. The boys got some big ol' teeth now...2 front middle top and bottom and then a few extra. We are starting to brush their teeth during bath time (just the brush) to get them used to the brush. The boys can crawl up the stairs on their own...and they have! Jeremy sneaked up on us twice and got half way up the stairs...yikes! They are having fun playing together. It is great to watch one boy chase the other while the other crawls away cracking up.

This month their art project was to create a painting for Poppi (Mrs.Karen) while she is at M.D. Anderson. Holly used their butt prints and feet prints to make a landscape picture. Their butts were the sun and clouds and their feet were tree tops. It had the writing, "Soon the worst will be BEHIND you and...you will be on your FEET in no time!"

Not too many photos this month, but here they are.

JAG November Photo Album

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