Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Babies, Snow and that order!

Okay, lots to catch up so I'm going to let it all out. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour. I love that movie. Okay, for reals now...

Monday we had a sonogram and the boys are doing great. They are practicing breathing which is supposed to be a very good sign. They both are weighing in at about 4lbs! Jeremy is facing Holly's back and we still can't get good pics of him. Got a few more of Jordan though. We are in week 31 now!

Tuesday...we had some rain/sleet at night and about 11:45pm we noticed it was snowing! Not just snow, but big giant flakes. It was a nice little blizzard. Of course it didn't build up on the ground much and most of it was gone by noon today.

Today...brought home a 6 weekish old shepherd mix puppy from the Austin Humane Society. I've been volunteering there since October, I will have more for you on that a bit later. Gotta head out to into the arctic winds for my first 4v4 flag football game! BRRRrrr


  1. Haha! just watched Princess Bride this past weekend...again! Glad to hear Holly and the boys are doing good. They are definitely getting big! And we also got some snow on Tuesday. The mountains looked really nice covered in it...but like Austin, it didnt stick in the city.

  2. the mountains are what i miss the most...they always look best with some snow or after a good rain.

  3. Ok I'm just now catching up on the blog...and I just have to say that puppy is so adorable!! Hope T-Bone and Jezzy weren't jealous. Oh yeah, and I miss the mountains too : (
